
Report an Absence

For student safety and attendance purposes, please remember to use the form linked here or call the office if you are unable to access the form. We are highly encouraging you to use the linked form, so that we can get back to you as soon as possible. We appreciate your flexibility. Please help us by doing the following:

  1. If you are unable to fill out the form, please call the school each day your child is absent at 986-7160 and press 3.
  2. State your child’s name, then spell the name. State your child’s grade, teacher, your relationship to the child, and reason for the absence. Please be specific regarding the reason.
  3. Call before 7:50 AM on the day of the absence. Voice mail is available 24 hours a day.
  4. Furnish a doctor’s note if your child was seen by a doctor, dentist, orthodontist, etc. Doctor absences are coding differently in attendance records.
  5. Please refer to the School Illness Guideline posted on our PYLUSD.org website to help you determine when your student needs to stay home.
  6. Notify the office two weeks or more in advance if your child will be out of town for an extended absence. Independent Study may be available for students that are absent 3+ more days in a row.

For additional information excused absences are identified the PYLUSD’s Parent Information Handbook (Education Code 48205).

Report an Absence